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Writer's picturerebmendez23

When I say: "Old Person" Yoga

Multiple choice question: What do you think of when I say "Old Person" Yoga?

A. Chair Yoga - that's "Old Person" Yoga, right?

B. Senior Yoga or Silver Sneakers Yoga – that's it, yes?

C. Yoga for Healthy Aging – clearly for old people.

D. Gentle or Slow Yoga – only old people do gentle or slow classes.


How about E. none of the above? (see answer key at the bottom of the post)

In my world there is no such thing as Old Person Yoga, or Senior or Elderly or any other description of a yoga class that isolates a group, especially by age. 

Yoga is Yoga.

In my yoga practice, and what I believe as an instructor, is that "Yoga" as a practice is not defined by age, gender, ability, race or any other adjective attached to it. Ideally, we remember not to make assumptions about a group of yogis that might appear to be older (however you define older) nor about what they can or cannot accomplish  age does not define ability, physical, mental or otherwise.

The labeling of certain types of Yoga for "Old People" is a common ageist statement. I unwittingly make ageist comments all the time! Have you verbalized an ageist catchphrase? What was it and how could you adjust it to be non-ageist?

Here's a few I'm guilty of saying:

  • Having a senior moment! (maybe simply a forgetful moment)

  • You look good for your age! (how about "You're looking good!" period, end of sentence?)

  • 60 is the new 40! Happy 29th Birthday – again! (celebrate your age – getting there is a privilege)

  • OK, Boomer! (generalizing attitude and ability based on when you were born)

  • Can't teach an old dog new tricks! (we can all be life-long learners)

I've taught students of all ages (from 1 to 100, not kidding!) and no matter the person, age or type of yoga class you can see that they are all delighted to be practicing yoga.

Anyone can do yoga and yoga is for everyone!

Char and Pepe in 2009. AKA my parents.

Photo Caption: Char and Pepe in 2009. AKA my parents. AKA my favorite examples of Healthy Aging. Charlotte brought me to yoga at a young age and we practiced together right up to the very end. Pepe was more skeptical of yoga but he did walk and exercise every day right up to the very end.

Answer Key:

A. Just yoga with a prop. Practicing Chair Yoga is not restricted to any age group.

B. IDs who might be attending the class or have an access pass, not the style of class.

C. Well, we all age everyday and Healthy Aging is something for all us humans to embrace. Healthy Aging is the concept of staying or being in good health for as long as possible in your life.

D. Sometimes moving slower or enjoying a gentler practice is what is right for the day for anyone of any age.


Ageism: prejudice or discrimination against a particular age-group and especially the elderly.

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